Types of Sunroom Insulation

Costs of constructing the sunroom vary according to the location of your home, quality of materials used, labor charges, size of the sunroom and other sunroom wall insulation costs if required. Some people prefer the two or three season sunrooms while others prefer a sunroom for all the seasons of the year. Cost for installing […]

2 mins read

Tax credits for new furnaces: saving money & reducing your taxes

Around this time of year, a lot of people (at least in the USA) turn their attention to their taxes. Its the wonderful time when all your expenses and income gets examine and run over with a fine tooth comb. Its also when people realize that they can take deductions or get credits for things they never knew about. In this first article of a series, we’ll look at possible tax credits for buying/installing a new furnace for your home.

4 mins read

Free Forum Gift Giveaway

The utility bill busters energy saving forums have launched! located at https://www.utilitybillbusters.com/articles/forum/, the forums give you a chance to post your questions to the community and get answers. As a way of introducing the forums, I am giving away three valuable energy guides to you: The Smart Consumer Checklist, which covers energy considerations when shopping […]

1 min read

Saving Energy Through Energy Efficient Curtains, Shades, and Other Window Coverings

By: Robin Green If your windows are ancient and aren’t doing a passable job of keeping heat inside your home in winter (or keeping it out in warm weather), maybe it is time to consider having new, energy saving windows put in. But new windows, especially good quality energy efficient ones, can be prohibitively expensive. […]

12 mins read